What is the CSFTA?
The Central Southern Field Target Association (CSFTA) is the regional governing body for Field Target (FT) in the central southern region of England. Its aims are to promote the air rifle sports of Field Target (FT) and Hunter Field Target (HFT) shooting within this region.
It achieves this by organising regional competition leagues and shoots for FT & HFT, establishing rules for those leagues, and offering guidance and training for the clubs which form the Association. Leagues are predominantly shot over the winter period when the national competitions are dormant, but the Association is also a member of the British Field Target Association (BFTA) and organises the region’s BFTA Grand Prix.
The Association is insured by the National Smallbore Rifle Association (NSRA) and is open to any club within the region. All association member clubs of the regional are also insured.
About the clubs
The region’s clubs cover a range of facilities and disciplines, details of these can be found on the Clubfinder page. The clubs offer a wide range of opportunities for anyone, from novice to expert.
The clubs are predominantly outdoor ranges but some do have access to indoor facilities. Some clubs are quite small, some clubs have much larger memberships. Some clubs may concentrate on one particular discipline (either FT or HFT) or they may pursue both. Whatever your skill and comfort level we hope you’ll find one of them to suit your interests.
A requirement of Association membership is that clubs be insured and follow best practices.
How do I get in touch?
If you would like to know more, or just ask for advice then please feel free to get in touch with us directly or with your local club.